I am so not a fan of this getting old business! Once it starts it sure never stops or even takes a breather. This weekend, I really feel like life is wizing by and we're all getting old! One of my closest friends got married on Saturday, she's the first and most definantly not the last. It was a beautiful wedding, perfect actually. But she all went and got a husband, which means she can't be a kid anymore. My boyfriend just turned 22, that's old too! When I started at SUU I was supposed to graduate when I'm 22, and now he's 22, that's old! And I only have a few months of being an age that starts with the number one left... and it's freaky! I mean granted growing up is a good thing, but seriously does it ever stop? There are days when I want to curl up on the couch early on a Saturday morning with a bowl of sugary cereal and the good 'ol Saturday morning cartoons. But those cartoons don't even exist anymore, that's how old I'm getting. All the freedom is cool and all, I mean I love living on my own, and working full time. But some days I just want to play in the dirt and be a kid again. And before I know it All my friends and I will be married... even my friends on missions! Like seriously I'm going to blink and boom we'll all be living in our "happily ever afters."
I guess it's just an odd realization I've been having as of late. Life changes so quickly, people come and go quickly as well. Change never stops, and usually the things you want least to change are what change the most. But change brings growth, which is good because when something stops growing it dies. I guess it's time to get over my control issues and learn to embrace the change that the tides of life are constantly bringing to my toes on beach of existence.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
When Things Go Great!
It never ceases to amaze me. When bad things happen they just don't stop happening bad thing after bad thing. It's a cycle that doesn't stop untill something good happens. Then those good things just keep coming. And you feel like your on top of the world and can do anything and be anything.
I'm finally in the good side of the cycle. It's amazing the change, it's amazing the good that comes from life that we so easily forget about during the bad times. Life is worth while and life is good. Good things come to those who wait, and those who weather on through the bad. Good things come! :-)
I'm finally in the good side of the cycle. It's amazing the change, it's amazing the good that comes from life that we so easily forget about during the bad times. Life is worth while and life is good. Good things come to those who wait, and those who weather on through the bad. Good things come! :-)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
What i've been writing lately.
Here's a sample of something i've been working on lately.
The city looked different, somehow more vibrant than it was just a few weeks ago. But then again, Melissa was supposedly, as her therapist had told her, a new person. Being a new person means having new eyes, right?
The goals for the day were plain and simple:
1. Find a job
2. Find something to eat
3. Find somewhere warm to sleep tonight
Find: to locate, attain, or obtain by search or effort.
Synonyms: acquisition, come across, discover, happen upon, locate, meet, recognize.
Find, find, find. That was all Melissa ever did these days. Finding herself, finding a job, finding food. Find, find, find. She was sick of finding and wanted to be found. Being found would mean no more looking, no more waiting, and no more fear.
The side walk stretched on continuously, almost never ending. Shop after shop she passed, never finding what she wanted. Then something off to the side caught her eye. It was a small run down building just like all the rest on the street, but it was different. It was brightly colored and had strange potted plants on the stoop. As she walked closer she could feel music coming from the building, not hear it, but feel it.
Feel: to have a sensation of something, other than by sight, hearing, taste, or smell.
Synonyms: acknowledge, be aware of, be impressed, comprehend, enjoy, have vibes, perceive, sense.
The music resonated throughout her body before she could even make out what was playing. The gentle vibrations brought a smile to her face as she remembered how much she once loved music, but that was before, this was now.
She began to walk past the building and a sign loomed over her. Giddy’s Music: Where Mind Meets Music. She was fascinated by it “where mind meets music… what could that possible mean?” She thought to herself. She continued to walk past the building and a big red sign caught her eye, “HELP WANTED.” She paused outside of the door, just staring at the sign. The penny weighing heavy in her pocket, had it really been right? She debated in her mind, her hand on the door just waiting to pull the handle.
The inside of the Giddy’s Music was darker, darker than Melissa expected. But it wasn’t a scary dark, it was almost peaceful. Loud exciting music filled her ears, it was pleasant and felt good being there. She took one sweeping look around, taking in all of the many things that made up Giddy’s Music. There were aisles of dusty cd racks filled to overflowing with music. The carpet was purple with large brown stains, questionable in their origin. The cash register was old, and didn’t look electronic at all, it was also surrounded by more curious plants that matched the ones outside the door. The store seemed empty. But to Melissas surprise, it wasn’t.
“I don’t care!” yelled a loud spirited female voice. “They in no way are as you put it, a modern day Beetles.” This last part was filled with a disgust Melissa had never heard before.
“You old fool!” A male voice yelled just as loudly. “You have to learn to embrace the new stuff, you can’t always live in the past!”
“Oh! But in music I can! Life, you’re right, I can’t live in the past, but music, oh I can live in the past! The best is from the past.”
“No! The best is not from the past, the best is happening right now!”
“What’s happening right now is garbage! Created from the past!”
“You’re never going to be able to sell this stuff if you think its garbage, isn’t that bad for business? Huh?”
“That’s why I plan on hiring someone, someone who can be in touch with the present while I spend my time in the past. See it’s the perfect plan!”
“Giddy, ever sense you opened this place no one but you has worked here. Do you really think you could handle an employee?”
“Yes! You idiot I can handle and employee, now buy something or get out!” Giddy stomped off leaving the guy she was arguing with confused.
“An employee? This is going to be fun!” He said to himself as he put on head phones at one of the listening stations.
Melissa was a little weary to inquire about the job after hearing the heated debate that had just occurred. But, she knew it had to be done. A flip of the coin had brought her here and there was no stopping fate. She walked toward the front register where Giddy was counting some bills. Giddy looked up and smiled. “How can I help you?”
“My name’s Melissa and I just saw your help wanted sign, and was wondering if I could apply for the job.” Melissa said trying to remember how to be confident.
“Of course you can! Oh wait… I don’t have any applications… hmmm...” She trailed off while looking through piles of stuff. “Here! Write your name and number here… and we’ll have an interview, um, right now? How does that sound?”
“That sounds great” Melissa said as she wrote down her name then she paused “I don’t exactly have a phone number right now”
“That’s okay! How about an address?”
“Yeah about that…”
Giddy’s face dropped, “Oh you poor thing! What happened?”
“I don’t really want to talk about it right now, but I’m on the road to making things better.”
“Oh that’s good! Well if you want to come into the back I guess we’ll start our little interview.”
“Sounds great!” Melissa said as she followed Giddy through a curtain that lead to a dark back room. There was a crash and then a light flipped on.
“Sorry, I always miss that darned switch, but I always find it, eventually.” The back room was clean, surprisingly clean comparative to the rest of the store. Nothing was out of place it seemed. Cd’s were stacked in perfectly square piles. The floors were a very bright white linoleum the walls were painted with an intricate mural that wasn’t finished but was amazing none the less.
“What’s the mural for?”
“Oh, you’ll see my dear, you’ll see.” She walked to a door and opened it up and it lead to a very small office with a desk a chair and a filing cabinet, no room for anything else. She pulled out a folding chair from behind the cabinet and set it up and motioned for Melissa to sit down. As Melissa sat down the folding chair let out a groan, and shook a little. She wasn’t sure if it could hold her up for more than a mere five minutes, but she held her breath and let herself relax into the chair as it groaned yet again. Giddy took a deep breath, pulled out a ratty notebook and wrote MELISSA on the top of clean page in beautiful script. “Ok, well let’s get started… Hmmm… Oh, I don’t have any questions prepared. Sorry, you’re the first person to apply for this job… the signs been up for weeks.” Fate came into Melissa’s mind and she felt a chill run up her spine. “Well lets start with why you’re here. Why are you Melissa applying for this job?”
Melissa wondered if she should tell her the truth about her situation or just make up some happy feel good answer.
She was battered, bruised, and broken.
He was afraid. He was self destructive. He was broken too.
They both were alone.
She had been left…
He did the leaving.
They’re both alone.
Alone: to the exclusion of all others or all else.
Synonyms: abandoned, companionless, deserted, detached, isolated, only, unaccompanied.
She had been alone for years.
So had he.
Her relationship ended, weeks ago.
He never had one.
Her name is Melissa.
His is Troy.
Together, they are alone.
Melissa walked out of the Women’s Shelter with thirty dollars in her pocket, and a prayer that it would all work out. She looked left, than right, taking in the city once again and wondering which way to go. She looked up, and then down. Something shiny on the ground caught her eye. It was a penny, heads up. Picking it up she said to herself “heads to go right, tails to go left.” The penny sparkled as it came tumbling down. With a quiet thump it landed on her hand, looking down tails glared up at her. With one last look to the right she turned at went left. “No need to tempt fate today.” She quietly mumbled to herself as she followed the penny’s direction.
He was afraid. He was self destructive. He was broken too.
They both were alone.
She had been left…
He did the leaving.
They’re both alone.
Alone: to the exclusion of all others or all else.
Synonyms: abandoned, companionless, deserted, detached, isolated, only, unaccompanied.
She had been alone for years.
So had he.
Her relationship ended, weeks ago.
He never had one.
Her name is Melissa.
His is Troy.
Together, they are alone.
Melissa walked out of the Women’s Shelter with thirty dollars in her pocket, and a prayer that it would all work out. She looked left, than right, taking in the city once again and wondering which way to go. She looked up, and then down. Something shiny on the ground caught her eye. It was a penny, heads up. Picking it up she said to herself “heads to go right, tails to go left.” The penny sparkled as it came tumbling down. With a quiet thump it landed on her hand, looking down tails glared up at her. With one last look to the right she turned at went left. “No need to tempt fate today.” She quietly mumbled to herself as she followed the penny’s direction.
The city looked different, somehow more vibrant than it was just a few weeks ago. But then again, Melissa was supposedly, as her therapist had told her, a new person. Being a new person means having new eyes, right?
The goals for the day were plain and simple:
1. Find a job
2. Find something to eat
3. Find somewhere warm to sleep tonight
Find: to locate, attain, or obtain by search or effort.
Synonyms: acquisition, come across, discover, happen upon, locate, meet, recognize.
Find, find, find. That was all Melissa ever did these days. Finding herself, finding a job, finding food. Find, find, find. She was sick of finding and wanted to be found. Being found would mean no more looking, no more waiting, and no more fear.
The side walk stretched on continuously, almost never ending. Shop after shop she passed, never finding what she wanted. Then something off to the side caught her eye. It was a small run down building just like all the rest on the street, but it was different. It was brightly colored and had strange potted plants on the stoop. As she walked closer she could feel music coming from the building, not hear it, but feel it.
Feel: to have a sensation of something, other than by sight, hearing, taste, or smell.
Synonyms: acknowledge, be aware of, be impressed, comprehend, enjoy, have vibes, perceive, sense.
The music resonated throughout her body before she could even make out what was playing. The gentle vibrations brought a smile to her face as she remembered how much she once loved music, but that was before, this was now.
She began to walk past the building and a sign loomed over her. Giddy’s Music: Where Mind Meets Music. She was fascinated by it “where mind meets music… what could that possible mean?” She thought to herself. She continued to walk past the building and a big red sign caught her eye, “HELP WANTED.” She paused outside of the door, just staring at the sign. The penny weighing heavy in her pocket, had it really been right? She debated in her mind, her hand on the door just waiting to pull the handle.
The inside of the Giddy’s Music was darker, darker than Melissa expected. But it wasn’t a scary dark, it was almost peaceful. Loud exciting music filled her ears, it was pleasant and felt good being there. She took one sweeping look around, taking in all of the many things that made up Giddy’s Music. There were aisles of dusty cd racks filled to overflowing with music. The carpet was purple with large brown stains, questionable in their origin. The cash register was old, and didn’t look electronic at all, it was also surrounded by more curious plants that matched the ones outside the door. The store seemed empty. But to Melissas surprise, it wasn’t.
“I don’t care!” yelled a loud spirited female voice. “They in no way are as you put it, a modern day Beetles.” This last part was filled with a disgust Melissa had never heard before.
“You old fool!” A male voice yelled just as loudly. “You have to learn to embrace the new stuff, you can’t always live in the past!”
“Oh! But in music I can! Life, you’re right, I can’t live in the past, but music, oh I can live in the past! The best is from the past.”
“No! The best is not from the past, the best is happening right now!”
“What’s happening right now is garbage! Created from the past!”
“You’re never going to be able to sell this stuff if you think its garbage, isn’t that bad for business? Huh?”
“That’s why I plan on hiring someone, someone who can be in touch with the present while I spend my time in the past. See it’s the perfect plan!”
“Giddy, ever sense you opened this place no one but you has worked here. Do you really think you could handle an employee?”
“Yes! You idiot I can handle and employee, now buy something or get out!” Giddy stomped off leaving the guy she was arguing with confused.
“An employee? This is going to be fun!” He said to himself as he put on head phones at one of the listening stations.
Melissa was a little weary to inquire about the job after hearing the heated debate that had just occurred. But, she knew it had to be done. A flip of the coin had brought her here and there was no stopping fate. She walked toward the front register where Giddy was counting some bills. Giddy looked up and smiled. “How can I help you?”
“My name’s Melissa and I just saw your help wanted sign, and was wondering if I could apply for the job.” Melissa said trying to remember how to be confident.
“Of course you can! Oh wait… I don’t have any applications… hmmm...” She trailed off while looking through piles of stuff. “Here! Write your name and number here… and we’ll have an interview, um, right now? How does that sound?”
“That sounds great” Melissa said as she wrote down her name then she paused “I don’t exactly have a phone number right now”
“That’s okay! How about an address?”
“Yeah about that…”
Giddy’s face dropped, “Oh you poor thing! What happened?”
“I don’t really want to talk about it right now, but I’m on the road to making things better.”
“Oh that’s good! Well if you want to come into the back I guess we’ll start our little interview.”
“Sounds great!” Melissa said as she followed Giddy through a curtain that lead to a dark back room. There was a crash and then a light flipped on.
“Sorry, I always miss that darned switch, but I always find it, eventually.” The back room was clean, surprisingly clean comparative to the rest of the store. Nothing was out of place it seemed. Cd’s were stacked in perfectly square piles. The floors were a very bright white linoleum the walls were painted with an intricate mural that wasn’t finished but was amazing none the less.
“What’s the mural for?”
“Oh, you’ll see my dear, you’ll see.” She walked to a door and opened it up and it lead to a very small office with a desk a chair and a filing cabinet, no room for anything else. She pulled out a folding chair from behind the cabinet and set it up and motioned for Melissa to sit down. As Melissa sat down the folding chair let out a groan, and shook a little. She wasn’t sure if it could hold her up for more than a mere five minutes, but she held her breath and let herself relax into the chair as it groaned yet again. Giddy took a deep breath, pulled out a ratty notebook and wrote MELISSA on the top of clean page in beautiful script. “Ok, well let’s get started… Hmmm… Oh, I don’t have any questions prepared. Sorry, you’re the first person to apply for this job… the signs been up for weeks.” Fate came into Melissa’s mind and she felt a chill run up her spine. “Well lets start with why you’re here. Why are you Melissa applying for this job?”
Melissa wondered if she should tell her the truth about her situation or just make up some happy feel good answer.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Wow it's been a long time
So I decided it's high time I get back into the habit of blogging. Even if no body reads it!
So hmmm... It's been a very very eventful past little while! I changed my major! It's not Graphic Design not History Education (Shudder at the thought)
I'm currently taking my very first Art class it's very exciting Although exhausthing sense it is Summer semester I sit in class for 3 hours a day. But It's fun, and i'm learning alot!
I have new roommates now! It's always an adventure adjusting to living with new people. But I like it! Although i can't wait to move back into my old apartment in the Fall!
So besides that... I dont' really have anything to say right now. Except that i've discovered that I really really don't like wearing shoes. They're so not fun. Being barefoot rules! It allows your feet to be free! I mean come on even Pippy Longstocking wanted her feet to be free. Shouldn't we all?
So hmmm... It's been a very very eventful past little while! I changed my major! It's not Graphic Design not History Education (Shudder at the thought)
I'm currently taking my very first Art class it's very exciting Although exhausthing sense it is Summer semester I sit in class for 3 hours a day. But It's fun, and i'm learning alot!
I have new roommates now! It's always an adventure adjusting to living with new people. But I like it! Although i can't wait to move back into my old apartment in the Fall!
So besides that... I dont' really have anything to say right now. Except that i've discovered that I really really don't like wearing shoes. They're so not fun. Being barefoot rules! It allows your feet to be free! I mean come on even Pippy Longstocking wanted her feet to be free. Shouldn't we all?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Web 2.0 - What does it really mean?
This is a video about the changing of the development of the World Wide Web
This video is about how the web is changing. How it used to be something that was hard for all people to access, for all people to create. HTML is complicated not everyone knows the language. This video shows how the development of web pages has changed, how simple it is for every person to post something to the World Wide Web, just like I'm doing right now, without using HTML language at all.
I'm hitting enter, and the space is there with out the use of a paragraph break or line break. The web is changing, and as it changes we must all learn how to handle it and use it appropriately.
This video is about how the web is changing. How it used to be something that was hard for all people to access, for all people to create. HTML is complicated not everyone knows the language. This video shows how the development of web pages has changed, how simple it is for every person to post something to the World Wide Web, just like I'm doing right now, without using HTML language at all.
I'm hitting enter, and the space is there with out the use of a paragraph break or line break. The web is changing, and as it changes we must all learn how to handle it and use it appropriately.
Friday, October 17, 2008
So I have a facination. I'm facinated by windmills, I don't know but I just love them!

There's just something about them that I love. My town recently got nine windmills up in the canyon. They've been operational for three months! I love watching them spin, especially at night! Something about them just facinates me!

These are the kind of windmills we have, they are huge! i've never seen anything like them before!
So that is my unexplained facination. I will always love them!

There's just something about them that I love. My town recently got nine windmills up in the canyon. They've been operational for three months! I love watching them spin, especially at night! Something about them just facinates me!

These are the kind of windmills we have, they are huge! i've never seen anything like them before!
So that is my unexplained facination. I will always love them!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The story I could write
There is a picture in the Braithwaite Gallery, it's black and white and is a picture of a mother and her two children sitting in a bus terminal. The story I could write from this is as follows:
It's told from the oldest little girls perspective. She and her mother have spent a long day adventuring through the city. Her mother has a large manilla envelope that she has been carrying around all day. They are now waiting in the bus terminal for her fathers bus to arrive, he's been gone for a couple of weeks, all of is stuff is gone from their house and the little girl misses his smell. What the little girl doesn't understand or know is that her parents are getting a divorce and in the manilla envelope is her parents divorce papers. Her daddy will arrive and she will run to him and spend a few minutes talking to him, then her mother will appear and hand her dad the envelope. Her dad will ask the mom if the neighbors still think he's on a business trip, because they are trying to hide to divorce. The dad will leave and the little girl will still not quite understand.
It's told from the oldest little girls perspective. She and her mother have spent a long day adventuring through the city. Her mother has a large manilla envelope that she has been carrying around all day. They are now waiting in the bus terminal for her fathers bus to arrive, he's been gone for a couple of weeks, all of is stuff is gone from their house and the little girl misses his smell. What the little girl doesn't understand or know is that her parents are getting a divorce and in the manilla envelope is her parents divorce papers. Her daddy will arrive and she will run to him and spend a few minutes talking to him, then her mother will appear and hand her dad the envelope. Her dad will ask the mom if the neighbors still think he's on a business trip, because they are trying to hide to divorce. The dad will leave and the little girl will still not quite understand.
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