In November of 2007 I traveled to Washington, D.C. these are some of my
favorite sights:

We travelled to Shaw, a community just out side of the D.C. area. It's a
predominately African American community. This community has some amazing sights. The houses are all brightly colored, and they have basements! This is a playground we
stumbled across, I thought it was so awesome! I love the mural in the background! It really looked like (to some extent) the houses we saw while we were walking around, a great place for an adventure!

Under the streets of Washington, D.C. there are tunnels. This is a picture from the tunnel leading from the House of Representatives Office building to the Capital building. The photographs on the wall are selected by each Representative, they are selected from the
reflections winners in each state! So it's all student art work, it's quite fun to look at!

The FDR memorial is the only
completely handicap
accessible monument in Washington, D.C. It's a very pretty monument,
complete with four rooms, one for each of FDR's terms of office. There is
braille on the walls so that even those with sight
impairments can enjoy the beautiful monument.

The Jefferson memorial is a
definite must see! It's so beautiful! Right on the edge of the
Potomac river. Jefferson stands magnificently in the center surround by some of this most famous sayings. On the lower level of the monument is a visitors center that will help you learn more about and
appreciate the great man Thomas Jefferson was.

The Capital building as seen from the top of the Washington Monument. If you ever get a chance to
visit Washington, D.C.
defiantly wake up early and get tickets to go to the top of the Washington Monument, it doesn't cost you anything, you just have to have that ticket and they go fast so get yours as early as possible! It's so worth it!
Obviously this is no where near all the amazing things you can do in Washington, D.C. It's an amazing city! There is so
much to see there and all of it will help you
appreciate America just a little bit more. Some more places I suggest seeing are, The Lincoln Monument, The WWII memorial, along with the Korean war and
Vietnam war memorials, see both sides of the white house, and ride the metro! Visit as many
Smithsonians as you possibly can, walk down the mall at night, it's
absolutely breath taking! Be sure to take the time to enjoy the culture of the city.