Sunday, September 14, 2008

Creative Writing Randomness

The topic I have picked to be my project, is Spencers Letter Problem.

I picked this project becase a couple of people initialed by it during our group activity and I really like this story!

This would be a good project for me because i'm always stuck helping Spencer do things from dealing with his girl problems to hleping him apply for jobs. I also think ti would make a good story because hi's an almost 19 year old who didn't know wo to address and send a letter.

Incorporating my random words:

Knob Kernie: I will want to hit Spencer over the head with a knob kernie!

Ecumenism: Spencer will seek punctuation advice for his letter for a christan church denomination that has been ecumenismized.

illiterate: We belive that Spencer may be illeterate beacuse he's never read a book and didn't know how to address a simple letter.

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