Sunday, September 14, 2008
Creative Writing Randomness
I picked this project becase a couple of people initialed by it during our group activity and I really like this story!
This would be a good project for me because i'm always stuck helping Spencer do things from dealing with his girl problems to hleping him apply for jobs. I also think ti would make a good story because hi's an almost 19 year old who didn't know wo to address and send a letter.
Incorporating my random words:
Knob Kernie: I will want to hit Spencer over the head with a knob kernie!
Ecumenism: Spencer will seek punctuation advice for his letter for a christan church denomination that has been ecumenismized.
illiterate: We belive that Spencer may be illeterate beacuse he's never read a book and didn't know how to address a simple letter.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
An Encounter With Batman

I looked out the window while I was in the kitchen, and I saw something quite out of the ordianry. There was Batman, running through the parking lot! It was quite the sight! About half of the complex had their doors open, just watching him run through the parking lot. He would then disapear and then about ten or so minutes later Batman would be back running through the parking lot.
Then Batman just stoped coming around, and we were all sad! How could we feel safe without Batman running through our parking lot? Then the amazing happened, we were sitting watching a movie when we hear somone run up our metal front porch, and low and behold! It's Batman to the rescue! He utters a sentance in his deep dark Batmanny voice.
"You shouldn't leave this open, it's a danger" he said as he closed our open apartment door.
Yes, Batman kept us from danger, by protecting our apartment complex and looking out for us all! Yay for Batman!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The Top Five Best Modern Bands
They are amazing! I absolutly love their album trampoline! They even put on a great live show!

This Day & Age: I just barely bought this cd after trying to get it for over a year! I'm so excited about it, and it's amazing. Very mellow but totally awesome. The lyrics are also very cool!

The Hush Sound: I just love everything about this band! Their second Cd, Like Vines, is my favorite! They have a great upbeat sound and are just fun to listen to! They also but on a great live show!

Sugarcult: This is just an amazing rock band! I love them with all my heart! Their first cd, start static, is by far my favorite but I also love their other two albums they are just an all around good band no doubt about it!

Blue October: They just have an amazing sound and are good to listen to. They music is just amazing rock!

Fashions That Just Bug Me
For example those croc shoes. I just think they are the uglyest things ever invented. I just don't understand why someone would want to wear that kind of plastic on their feet!

You know what else bugs me, when people do not understand how to match their clothes! I mean, come on how hard is it to figure out what colors go together and which ones don't?
And another thing, the other day I saw this girl who was about my age and she was dressed like my grandmother! I mean seriously you're in your early early 20's learn how to make yourself look good! Not like my grandmother! Oversized baggy lumpy clothes are just not flatering on anyone! No matter how much you try to think so!
I'm totally for self expression through clothing, but please, remember other people have to look at you too! Nobody wants to see your clevage or your butt crack! Just cover up a little bit and you'll look so much better!
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Best Apple Juice Ever

Well enough about apple jucie.
As I was driving to Walmart today, to get batteries for my camera, I saw the weirdest old guy ever! So he was out jogging, shirtless... it was a little scarey. He had on gray sweatpants you know like any person working out would. I guess these pants were just to big or someting because he was wearing suspenders! Like seriously he was jogging, wearing gray sweatpants no shirt, what looked like dressy shoes and suspenders. I was like what the heck!?!? I guess it's better than him showing off his booty to the world if his pants fell down, but still he looked rediculous! Some peoples fashion choices just astound me sometimes! But that's for another entry!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My Philosophies on Life
Live with out regrets: I always try my hardest to live everyday with out any regrets, granted it's quite the hard thing to accomplish. It always stuns me as to how many things I will regret doing or saying. I firmly believe that you should try your hardest to not have any regrets, and if you do end up regretting something you should get over it as quickly as possible. We should always live our lives out to the fullest so we don't ever end up regretting not doing something. My best friend has a favorite quote and it goes like this, "It's better to regret something that you have done than to regret not doing anything at all." I totally agree with that you've gotta get out there and try new things. That's part of what I've learned in my first weeks of school is how important it is to just let yourself get out there and enjoy life!
Enjoy the rain: It's amazing to me how many people don't like it when it rains! I absolutely love the rain, I mean my blog is titled 'looking at the rain' obviously I love it! I think that every time it rains everyone in the world should embrace it not run away from it! I believe that rain is energizing and will help you clear your mind. We shouldn't run from the rain we should let it 'wash our minds' because if we do it will help us think so much clearer!
Never go a day without music: "Music washes from the soul the dust of everyday life" -- Berthold Auerbach It's so true! Music is an amazing power, it can make you happy our sad. It can give you an entirely new outlook on life. You should listen to music as much as humanly possible, it's an amazing tool that can uplift you and make you just feel better all over. I personally love listening to classical music to help me feel calm and relaxed. Music should be a part of everything, it's that powerful! Try it, if you feel down think of the last time you listened to music, was it a long time ago? If so, listen to something you love it will help. Or maybe you need to change what you're listening to, try something new, new music is amazing, it makes you so happy especially when it's good!
Say "hi" to everyone you meet: It's amazing how much of a difference it makes when you just say hi and smile at people. Sure it makes them feel better, but it also makes you feel so much better! I love walking to class and just looking someone in the eyes and smiling at them, it makes me so happy!
Those are some of my simple philosophies on life, just being a happy person makes such a difference in your life. I think that everyone should form there own philosophies and incorporate them into their everyday lives.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The Micheal Jackson Fan Next Door
But not the weirdness of my neighbor, our apartment living room is directly across from his bedroom window. Trying to keep the electric bill down at twilight we leave the windows open and the AC off. We try our hardest to enjoy our down time after school and homework is all done. Simple enough, right? Not for apartment 16, beacuse we have a dancing Micheal Jackson fan for an across the parking lot neighbor. I little Micheal Jackson music is just fine, I honestly don't mind it in the least bit. No it's when you look out the window and not only do you see his naked lady silloet but you also see him busting a move to his full blast music. It's quite the sight, espeically beacuse doesn't have quite the same quaily of dance moves as Micheal Jackson. Yes our neighbor is a Micheal Jackson fan, and we have to watch him dance. I wonder what else will go down in the parking lot of our apartment complex.
Looking at the Rain
Looking at the Rain
Gordon Lightfoot
Looking at the rain
Feeling the pain
Of love lost running though
My brain
Looking at the wind
Watching it spin
The leaves along the street
You win Waiting for a line to fall
Telling you it's all a big mistake
Looking at a face
So out of place
Inside that picture frame
Of lace
Looking at the wall
Wishing you'd call
And tell me you're OK
That's all
Wishing this was all a dream
And I'd find you sleeping when I wake Looking at the trees
So ill at ease
From sleep that will not come
That's me
Looking at the dawn
Knowing it's wrong
Still thinking of your love
That's gone
Wishing this was all a dream
And I'd find you sleeping when I wake
Looking at the rain
Feeling the pain
Of love lost running though
My brain
Looking at the wind
Watching it spin
The leaves along the street
You win
Waiting for a line to fall
Telling you it's all a big mistake
But the words won't come
I know I'd feel the same
Looking at the rain
Let stell you a little bit more about this amazing movie:
"An (unnamed) Guy is a Dublin guitarist/singer-songwriter who makes a living by fixing vacuum cleaners in his Dad's Hoover repair shop by day, and singing and playing for money on the Dublin streets by night. An (unnamed) Girl is a Czech who plays piano when she gets a chance, and does odd jobs by day and takes care of her mom and her daughter by night. Guy meets Girl, and they get to know each other as the Girl helps the Guy to put together a demo disc that he can take to London in hope of landing a music contract. During the same several day period, the Guy and the Girl work through their past loves, and reveal their budding love for one another, through their songs." Written by Charles Delaroix Taken from
Watch this movie and you'll love every minute of it! It's a beautiful story that makes you feel a little more conncected to the world around you. I think it's one of the most inspiring movies i've seen in a long time. It will teach you about friendship and life.

Although this is an amazing movie, my favorite part is the music! I listen to the soundtrack over and over agian and I love every minute of it! Once you see you the movie Once you will understand how amazing the songs that were written for the movie are! My favorite is the song Falling Slowly.
I don't know you
But I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react
And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out
Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice
You've made it now
Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won
Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You've made it now
Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You've made it now
Falling slowly sing your melody-- Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova
Some of My Favorite Sights in Washington, D.C.
We travelled to Shaw, a community just out side of the D.C. area. It's a predominately African American community. This community has some amazing sights. The houses are all brightly colored, and they have basements! This is a playground we stumbled across, I thought it was so awesome! I love the mural in the background! It really looked like (to some extent) the houses we saw while we were walking around, a great place for an adventure!
Under the streets of Washington, D.C. there are tunnels. This is a picture from the tunnel leading from the House of Representatives Office building to the Capital building. The photographs on the wall are selected by each Representative, they are selected from the reflections winners in each state! So it's all student art work, it's quite fun to look at!
The FDR memorial is the only completely handicap accessible monument in Washington, D.C. It's a very pretty monument, complete with four rooms, one for each of FDR's terms of office. There is braille on the walls so that even those with sight impairments can enjoy the beautiful monument.
The Jefferson memorial is a definite must see! It's so beautiful! Right on the edge of the Potomac river. Jefferson stands magnificently in the center surround by some of this most famous sayings. On the lower level of the monument is a visitors center that will help you learn more about and appreciate the great man Thomas Jefferson was.
The Capital building as seen from the top of the Washington Monument. If you ever get a chance to visit Washington, D.C. defiantly wake up early and get tickets to go to the top of the Washington Monument, it doesn't cost you anything, you just have to have that ticket and they go fast so get yours as early as possible! It's so worth it!
Obviously this is no where near all the amazing things you can do in Washington, D.C. It's an amazing city! There is so much to see there and all of it will help you appreciate America just a little bit more. Some more places I suggest seeing are, The Lincoln Monument, The WWII memorial, along with the Korean war and Vietnam war memorials, see both sides of the white house, and ride the metro! Visit as many Smithsonians as you possibly can, walk down the mall at night, it's absolutely breath taking! Be sure to take the time to enjoy the culture of the city.